Maua’s Kitchen and Takeaways

Lilian Nabora FASDO General, FASDO News, Support

Did you know that legacy is found in the sustainability of any programme? This is true for us as well. Through our visionary leader, Madam Lilian Nabora, we have decided to redefine ourselves in the area of self sustenance and interdependence by the launching of Maua’s Kitchen and Takeaways. Any …

Bongo Style

Lilian Nabora Competitions, Fashion

The renowned and famous competition is run with the aim to explore, identify, train and provide funds to the winners which help them to establish their own brands and works. Since 2015, we have been running this competition and have managed to provide funds to more than 10 winners, provide …

FASDO New Headquarters

Lilian Nabora FASDO General, FASDO News Leave a Comment

Since 2009, when we started our organization, our centre and headquarters have been based at Tandika Maghorofani at Kipungo street 6A. This year, we have expanded our territory to Davis corner where we will be giving our drawing, theatre and handicraft classes and Maua’s kitchen and Takeaway. Any organization has …